Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What is the purpose for this book?

   I believe that Diane Ackerman wrote this book to express and tell the stories of people's lives that have gotten buried in history through out time. The story line of this book is about The Zookeeper's Jan and Antonina Zabinski's life journey during the time of WW2 and The Holocaust. During this time period, many smaller events had gotten buried and forgotten because of bigger events such as The Holocaust. We need to acknowledge the courageous acts of the Zabinski's and saving not only the animals but also many Jews who they hid in their closed Zoo.
     It's important to read this book to remember the cruel times not only the Jews, but all of the citizens went through during WW2 and this book really makes you grateful for the life you live. Diane goes into detail of the surroundings and bizarre content of the whole country during the attacks and how hard it is to raise her son. This makes me realize how tough it would be to raise a family and keep yourself in tact as well and makes me really hurt for everyone effected by WW2.
    We can learn from this book that no matter how hard life can be on you, you have to strive and believe you can make it through the tough times. The Zabinski's took a tragic loss of the zoo and made it into something spectacular by helping save the Jews when they couldn't save their animals and I truly believe they are extremely courageous people to help save Jews. They turned something bad into something helpful and this is overlooked in history when in reality, it is an amazing event that should be appreciated much more.